Weekly prayers
for the week of January 17, 2025
+In Our Thoughts and Prayers+
Welcome to the Weekly Prayers of First United Church of Christ. Please continue to pray for those who have requested prayer and those you keep in the silence of your heart:
Please Remember in Your Prayers:
- For a productive Annual Meeting this Sunday after worship.
- In Thanksgiving that Yvonne is getting some strength back.
- For all in care facilities,
- for Dr. Rinke (dentist with eye issues)
- For president elect, Donald J. Trump.
- For the memory of Martin Luther King.
- For Daniel (age 97) and Shirley who is care giver.
- For the wife of Nico as she faces yet another set back with her Cancer.
- For those who frequent the Veterans Hospital especially for PTSD.
- For LA,
- for peace in Gaza.
- For all to live the SHEMA [Dt 6:4] not simply know it but let it show in our lives along with [Lev. 19:18]
- For all to be in relationship with God and not only look to God as a resource.
- For chuck LaFore (pneumonia after a fall),
- for 11-year-old Cassidy Mc—,
- Ron H. caregiver for both of his parents,
- for children cut out of the budget of Lake Orion Schools,
- all affected by the wildfires,
- and those down South with the snow.
- For
- Nicole and her daughters,
- Yvonne/Wendy,
- Don/Donna,
- Yuki/Michael,
- our local church,
- Kim McCardell at the passing of a loved one,
- on-liners Sandy, Tom/Marlene, Earl/Mary, wife of Nico, Mary Rita, Jerry Mac;
- all to strive for improvement NOT perfection,
- First Friday pastors CJ, Julie, Mary, Pam, and Jenny;
- many to drop in to un-decorate our church after worship on January 12.
- the incarcerated,
- the ones caught up in trafficking,
- Loving Lord, we pray for all affected by the EVIL that happened in New Orleans on New Year’s Day.
- FOR:
- Those who are homeless to find shelter.
- Those who are depressed to discover joy.
- Those who are addicted to find release.
- Those who are lonely to find a friend.
- Those who are confused or lost to find a path.
- Those who are heartbroken to know that it will pass.
- Those who are sick to find healing.
- Those who live in darkness to be covered in light.
- Those who are dying to know that they have lived.
- We pray today for peace where there is unrest,
for love to prevail over all - Amen
- Lord Jesus, Come and surround those who suffer from PTSD, especially our Viet Nam military of all branches of the armed forces;
- we pray with survivors of cancer and pray with those in chemo at this time,
- we pray for and with the family of a youngster with brain Cancer,
- for Ron Hersberger [sp.?] as he continues to care for his parents.
- For those who volunteer in shelters and warming centers, for MCREST, Salvation Army, and all who provide shelter for the homeless, for those who assist at Turning Point of Macomb County, our Richmond Fire, Police, and EMS workers.
- We pray for safety for all who will be traveling during this Christmas Season.
- We pray for all the incarcerated as well as their families, especially the children of the incarcerated who miss a parent especially at Christmas.
- For Joyce Townsend,
- for Lucille Trombley
- for Tom Dailey & caregiver Marlene,
- Dentist Dr.Ryan Rinke (full recovery)
- for on liners Mary and Earl (heart and age-related issues),
- for Sandy Olenick,
- for Ed,
- for our visitors for our Eve Worship
- and for our guests for the Christmas Day Dinner.
- Lloyd Card (continued healing),
- Sheldon Miller (massive heart attack) and Jeanie (wife/caregiver),
- for baby Everett (many complications)
- 37-year-old Wayne (confined to bed),
- for Kevin (Cancer)
- Yuki Dailey (Cancer)
- Yvonne (Cancer),
- for any with addictions as holidays become especially difficult.
- We lift up those who care for those confined because of illness or until an adoption,
- we lift up all of our prayers on our prayer list as well as those we hold in the silence of our hearts,
- In Thanksgiving for the Christmas Day coverage in the Macomb Daily and VOICE.
- For Bobby Peace now in Hospice. (brother of Terry Hunger)
- John Glista (Bone and Prostate Cancer)
- Sandy Olenick (age issues).
- For Mary Rita Bodnar (COPD),
- Mary Andrews (COPD),
- John (COPD)
- for those with overwhelming stress in their family.
- For caregiver Wendy R
- and all those put in the position of giving care.
- For our members in Sr. Living facilities: Lucia Marshall and Joyce Townsend, Jim Weeks, Karen Eltringham, Lucille Trombley and all others in nursing home or Senior Living facilities and/or apartments, also Sandy Knoell now in Ohio.
- For Authur D diagnosed with MS.
- For Jill Bush diagnosed with Louie Body Dementia,
- for Minnie Dalenberg (Huntington’s Disease)
- For any with Lou Gehrig’s disease [ALS],
- For the mentally ill and the incarcerated.
- In thanksgiving for all willing to donate bone marrow to save another’s life and all those who allow body parts to be saved and transplanted to another.
Please remember to fill out the form in the gathering space for requested prayers OR send them in by phone or email. Please submit prayers to the church email firstuniteducc@outlook.com or daileystory@gmail.com after you have the permission of the people to add them to the prayer list. Some are very private and we want to respect that.
Thanks, KatieD+
First UCC
Prayer Chain
Pastor Katie 586-202-8644
Karen Eltringham 586-291-0615
Christine Hensch 810-385-4391
Kim McCardell 586-623-9833
Want to join our prayer chain? Please call the church office at 586-727-3155.
Wider Church Connections…you just may be interested in:
- Daily Devotional, emailed to you: http://www.ucc.org/daily-devotional/
- Weekly E-Zine with featured items, resources, worship materials, and justice-action items:http://www.ucc.org/news/keeping-you-eposted/
- Information and resources of all kinds from the United Church of Christ: http://www.ucc.org/