Weekly Offerings:
January 26………$2,104.00
January 19………$ 440.00
January 12………$1,235.00
January 05………$ 795.00
Weekly Attendance:
January 26……….11
January 19……….19
January 12……….13
January 05……….12

Adopt-A-Bill—Here’s How it Works:
- Take an Adopt-A-Bill envelope from the display board in the narthex.
- Pick a bill from the board.
- Place your check (made out to First United Church of Christ) or cash along with the bill in the envelope.
- Place the envelope in the offering plate or mail it to the church.
Every contribution is greatly appreciated and helps to support our church.
First United Church of Christ
Purchasing / Reimbursement Policy
A purchasing/reimbursement policy has been approved by the finance committee and the church council and is to be followed going forward. We developed this policy to assist with the following:
» Ensure that the church committees have insight into and approval of purchases being
made against budgeted items for their committee.
» Provide the church treasurer advance notice of purchases that will be made.
» Ensure that the purchases made are accounted for against the appropriate budget line
item or designated fund.
The policy applies to all purchases for the church in excess of $100. A Purchase Request Form (which includes a further description of the policy) is available on the church web site:(firstuccrichmond.yolasite.com) within the Finance News section. A copy of the form is also located within the church procedures binder in the church office.
The Purchase Request Form is to be approved by the chair of the committee responsible for the associated budgeted line item and then submitted to the church treasurer prior to a purchase. After approval by the treasurer, the purchase may be made.
When the items have been purchased, reimbursement is requested using the Expense Reimbursement Form, also located on the church web site within the Finance News section and within the church procedures binder. This form identifies the items purchased and budget line item or designated fund the items fall under. The completed form is signed by the associated committee chair and submitted to the church treasurer for reimbursement.
If you have any questions regarding the usage of these forms, please contact any of the following Finance Committee members:
Mark Davis 586-727-4306
Chris Hensch 810-385-4391
Kim Schrote 586-925-8802
Ron Schrote 586-925-8801
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First UCC Purchasing Form.pdf Size : 51.515 Kb Type : pdf |
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First UCC Reimbursement Form.pdf Size : 55.086 Kb Type : pdf |