Information you'll need when you visit us
¨Worship service starts at 10am.
¨Bathrooms are located in the lower level.
¨Stairs and elevator may be found in the rear of the sanctuary. The ushers will be happy to assist you in using the elevator.
¨ A nursery for young children is located in the basement. Ask an usher for help in locating an attendant.
¨ Kids activity bags may be found hanging on the giraffe near the center aisle. The bag has items for children to enjoy during service. Please return the bag and items to the giraffe after service.
¨ A prayer request can be shared out loud by the pastor or in confidence with the pastor. Complete the prayer request card found in the holder near the hymnal/Bible shelf and give it to an usher.
¨ Communion-all people, young and old, are welcome to participate communion. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month and on church holidays. The bread and grape juice are most often served to the people in the pews by the ushers. The bulletin will indicate if it is different. Once again, please know all are welcome at the Table.
¨ Christian Education is held in the lower level on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month during worship when worship is at 11:00 am. Currently it is a multi-generational class. Come bring your kids and grandparents too! Prayer group and book study are held weekdays.