First UCC Richmond welcomes you to our community!
Our family of faith has been worshiping in this space for over 50 years.
Our mission is to serve you. We don’t know what brought you here, but we hope to keep you coming back by giving you exactly what you need right when you need it.
The United Church of Christ believes in extravagant welcome. This is why we accept that God’s communion table is open, not closed, and God’s gift and claim in baptism are irrevocable. We advocate justice for all. Our congregations extend hospitality as a sign of God’s inclusive love. We teach that evangelism—offering bread to those in search of it—is God’s mission. Our perspective is global, not provincial. We work with—not against—people of other faiths. Why?
Because God is still speaking.
'No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here.'
If you would like to make a donation, on-line donations are available via PayPal by clicking the following button:
Otherwise, donations may be mailed to the church at:
First United Church of Christ
68651 S. Forest Avenue
Richmond, MI 48062
Vision Statement:
The purpose of this church shall be to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to celebrate the sacraments; to realize Christian fellowship and unity within this church and the Church universal; to render loving service toward humankind; and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace.
Mission Statement:
We are traveling life’s road: created by God, guided by Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit and grounded in scripture. We strive to be individuals on a spiritual
journey and a community sharing God’s love with all.
Michigan Conference UCC News:
What's going on with the UCC nationally: UCC News
Community Activities
Our community reaches out to the needy to give aid and comfort. Food and clothing drives, helping the elderly, and repairing local homeless shelters and schools are just a small part of what we do.
If you know a group that could use our help, drop us a line.
68651 South Forest Avenue, Richmond, MI | 586-727-3155